Sunday, February 14, 2010

Planning of Human Resources

Without the human resource management is good, a manager is not possible to be able to perform his duties in accordance with the management elements itself. Explanation that will be discussed below concerning the management of Human Resources that I have planned or well cooked.

Theirs Planning includes:
  1. Rekruitment
  2. Selection
  3. Training and Education
  4. Orientation
  5. Placement
  6. Compensation
  7. Development
  8. Advancement
  9. Increase Position (promotion)
  10. Decreasing rank (demotion)
  11. Job rotation (job notation)
  12. Displacement (mutation)
  13. Retiring
Understanding recruitment itself is the withdrawal of personnel by placing a notice in both the local institutions and through print and electronic media. The process of recruitment is done by selecting candidates who will be recruited, which is usually through a written test and oral test. For the oral tests typically contain a variety of types of intelligence tests (IQ), attitude, emotional, appearance, motivation, skill, honesty, etc..

Each institute or companies has a difference in terms of training. There are agencies / companies that conduct employee training before it is placed, but there are also stationed after graduating selection, so that these employees already have a clear duty. For example a teacher, lecturer, etc.. For institutions that put the training and education after the placement of these employees as a development program.

Orientation is the introduction of activities undertaken by the leadership of the institution of new employees in order to inform about the organizational structure, tasks to be handled and the compensation to be received. Placement itself is putting a new employee according to his ability / qualifications.

Finish, hopefully online courses this time can provide additional benefits and your science lessons on campus.


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