Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Things to Know the Seller (part 2)

This article was previously advanced articles about Things to Know the seller. Please you read it first before you continue reading this discussion.

How to Encourage Buyer Desire:
  1. Explain the benefits or the efficiency of goods
  2. Assure good quality goods and competitive price
  3. Can prove the truth of his words
  4. Honest in explaining the quality of goods

How to Overcome the Prospective Buyer Complaints:
  1. Know what the complaint is filed
  2. Accept and listen to complaints gladly
  3. Do not cut talks prospects
  4. Keep away from a fight, although prospective buyers critical product
  5. Repeat complaints are slow, but sure that all complaints resolved
  6. Ask some questions and suggestions or influenced by bid

Success Factors in Selling:
  1. Product Knowledge: Can be explained in detail about the product and its benefits.
  2. Product Characteristic Knowledge: Can explain every feature of the product and added value.
  3. Strategies Using Characteristic Products: Can demonstrate the product to meet customer needs.
  4. Product Competitiveness Knowledge: Can explain the differences and strengths of the product from competing products.
  5. Sales Technique: Knowing what to do and say to reduce resistance.

Ways less Ethical Sales by Salespeople:
  1. Excessive promotional items
  2. Goods disparaged competitors
  3. Offering forcibly so annoying potential customers
  4. Deceive consumers with better quality of the goods mentioned, but in contrast
  5. Consumers came in the offices where the work

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